The Deviceplane CLI can be used to manage your project, devices, and to SSH into devices.

The Deviceplane CLI enables you to perform most actions available in the UI. With the CLI, you can quickly deploy, troubleshoot, and dig into issues via your terminal. It also offers output in JSON and YAML, so you can use it to write scripted workflows.


The CLI can be used to manage the following:

  • Projects:
    • List projects
    • Create a new project
  • Devices:
    • List devices
    • SSH into a device
    • Inspect a device's properties and labels
    • Reboot a device


To download the CLI, log in to Deviceplane, and click your user icon on the top right of the screen. You should see a dropdown that has "Download CLI" as one of the listed options. Click it, and select your OS.

Then, move the CLI to a folder in your $PATH, such as /usr/local/bin. This will let you run the deviceplane command anywhere, without needing the absolute file path. Afterwards, if you're on a UNIX-based system chmod +x [path to deviceplane], which will allow you to run the deviceplane command.

Now, you should be able to run deviceplane, and see the help output.

Access keys

When using the CLI, an access key must be provided. Without this access key, Deviceplane will not be able to authenticate the request. Each user or service account can create access keys to use for the CLI. User access keys are scoped to a specific user and will have the same role as a user. Service account access keys are great to use when a service is being set up to make changes into Deviceplane. For example, it's best to use a service account access key instead of a user access key for CI/CD systems.

An access key and project name can be set with the deviceplane configure command, or by using the DEVICEPLANE_ACCESS_KEY and DEVICEPLANE_PROJECT environment variables, or the --access-key and --project flags. It's recommended to use deviceplane configure on your developer machine, and use the environment variables on CI systems.

SSHing into devices

To SSH into a device, simply run deviceplane ssh $DEVICE_NAME. For more information, look at the SSH docs, or look at command scripting docs to see examples of using this in custom scripts.

Listing and inspecting resources

Listing resources can also be done in the CLI using deviceplane $RESOURCE_TYPE list. Here, we list all devices in our project:

In the case of devices specifically, filters can also be applied with the --filter flag (more info with deviceplane device list help):

Resources can also be inspected, to show their inner config, using deviceplane $RESOURCE_TYPE inspect $RESOURCE_INSTANCE. Here we inspect a single device:

Output formatting

Note that for command scripting and other use cases, the output of the CLI can be configured using the -o or --output flag.

For listing resource instances, the CLI supports table (the human-readable default), yaml, json, and json-stream output. Here, we use json-stream output on our device list:

For inspecting individual resources, the CLI supports yaml and json output. Here, we use json-stream output on our device list:


To get CLI autocompletion, add eval "$(deviceplane --completion-script-bash)" to your bashrc file. If you're using zsh, add eval "$(deviceplane --completion-script-zsh)" to your zshrc.

This allows you to autocomplete commands, as well as application, service, and device names, by pressing the tab key.